Pentru multe business-uri mici este o provocare sa se afirme in mediul online. Imagineaza-ti ca fiecare dintre acestea sunt barci mici care stau in port langa navele de croaziera ale organizatiilor mari. Barcile sunt pe apa, dar abia daca se vad. Ce ar putea sa aleaga ca sa se faca cunoscute? Facebook Ads sau Google Adwords?

fb adwords

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Aceasta dilema determina pe multi manageri ale business-urilor mici sa investeasca bani in publicitate pay-per-click (PPC) cu scopul de a aduce trafic pe site si de a genera lead-uri.

Cel mai mare jucator din spatiul PPC este Google care, in 2013,  a depasit 50 miliarde dolari in venituri generate prin Google AdWords, acestea reprezentand aproape 85% din veniturile sale. Rivalul sau este Facebook cu un miliard de utilizatori din intreaga lume. Reteaua de socializare a incheiat anul 2013  cu o crestere foarte mare in veniturile din publicitate, mai precis 2.34 miliarde dolari in al patrulea trimestru, precum si cu o crestere a cotei sale de piata in publicitatea online, informeaza

Understanding the basic differences between Facebook Ads and Google AdWords.
For many small businesses, getting found amongst all of the chatter of the internet is a challenge. It’s like sitting in a dinghy (that’s a really small boat) in a harbor next to the massive ships of large organizations. You are on the water, but it’s hard to be seen.
Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords: Which is Better for Your Small Business? image man in a dinghy 600×241
This quandary leads many small business owners to start throwing money at pay-per-click advertising (PPC) with companies like Google, Yahoo and Bing in order to drive traffic to company websites to generate leads.
The largest player in the space is clearly Google which surpassed $50 billion in Google AdWords revenue in 2013 accounting for nearly 85% of its revenues. However, the search engines are now seeing a new rival emerge in the online advertising space in Facebook with its 1 billion+ worldwide users. The “Social Network” ended 2014 seeing a huge spike in its advertising revenues with $2.34 billion in the fourth quarter and growth in its online advertising market share.
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Which Service Is Right For You?
One of the challenges with PPC advertising is to figuring out how to get the most bang for your buck. With Facebook now clearly starting to flex its muscles as a potentially formidable rival to Google in the digital advertising space, it’s important for businesses to take a fresh look at their options and determine which advertising service is best to drive business results.
Let’s dive a little deeper and compare the two behemoths’ platforms and see which one is the better choice for your small business.
The Champion – Google
Google is the largest and most popular search engine on the internet, and if you intend to use the internet as a profit-making source, and by this I mean using it as a source to market and generate leads for your business, you need to use Google.
Google has so permeated this space that it out ranks its nearest competitor Bing with three times the amount of unique monthly visitors. “Just Google It” has become part of the lexicon of our society which gives you an understanding of the strength and power of the champion.
Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords: Which is Better for Your Small Business? image google vs facebookA side note here. Just because Google out ranks Bing and Yahoo by larger margins when it comes to paid search, you should not necessarily ignore them. They can still drive relevant traffic to you and most likely will cost less per click than Google Adwords will.
Google AdWords, the company’s flagship service makes your marketing task a whole lot easier by providing you with the potential to attract a large volume of website traffic through the use of proper keywords.
When a Google user inputs a search term or string of search terms into the Google search box, relevant search results will appear in the search engine and the user can then click on any of the items to view the results and details. Typically paid advertisements that come through Google AdWords campaigns will show up on the first page of your search results in prominent positions and because they have such great placement at the top of the search results page, they have greater chances of visits. This is what makes AdWords such a powerful PPC choice.
AdWords also provides you with the ability to target by geographic location and days and times of the week. They also have 3 distinct areas where your ads can show up, the basic search network, the Display network and Remarketing.
As with any service there are drawbacks, and with Google AdWords, there are a few particularly for small business owners.
With acronyms like PPC, CTR, and CPA you might find yourself overwhelmed with learning new information. Creating a campaign utilizing the best keywords for your business can be time-consuming and require a steep learning curve. Many businesses opt to hire an expert to handle their PPC management, because of the difficulty of doing it yourself.
Another challenge with Google AdWords is the cost of the service. While you can set up and maintain your campaigns with a small initial investment, there is tremendous competition amongst businesses which has driven up the cost of keywords particularly among popular business segments. If your AdWords campaign is not managed effectively, you can spend a small fortune with very little tangible results.

Una dintre provocarile publicitatii prin PPC este de a calcula cum sa obtii cele mai bune rezultate pentru cat investesti. La fel se intampla si cu Facebook, asadar pe care alegem? Iata o comparatie intre cele doua modalitati de promovare.


Google este cel mai mare si cel mai popular motor de cautare pe internet si daca folosesti internetul ca o sursa de a face profit (ca o sursa de a marketiza si de  genera lead-uri pentru business-ul tau), trebuie sa folosesti Google. L-a depasit pe competitorul sau Bing prin numarul de vizitatori unici lunar. “Just Google It” a devenit parte din lexicul fiecaruia si cine apare in rezultate e campion 🙂
Google este mai puternic decat Bing si Yahoo cand  vine vorba de cautari platite, aduce  trafic relevant prin utilizarea de cuvinte cheie corespunzatoare.
Atunci cand un utilizator Google introduce un termen de cautare sau un sir de termeni de cautare in caseta de cautare Google, rezultatele relevante ale cautarii vor aparea si utilizatorul va da click pe cele mai relevante (pentru ceea ce cauta). Reclamele platite care vin prin intermediul unor campanii Google AdWords vor aparea pe prima pagină a rezultatelor cautarii in pozitii de top si, pentru ca au o astfel de plasare in partea de sus a paginii, au sanse mari de vizite. Poti alege locatia geografica, zilele si orele saptamanii cand sa apara ad-ul si il poti seta sa apara in search network, display network sau intr-o campanie de remarketing.
O alta provocare a Google AdWords este costul serviciului. Poti sa configurezi si sa mentii campaniile cu o investiție initiala mica, dar exista o concurenta extraordinara intre business-uri, care a dus la cresterea costului pe cuvinte cheie in special pentru afaceri populare.


Facebook ca o platforma de marketing are o multime de atuuri. In primul rand, popularitatea in intreaga lume. Facebook este site-ul numarul unu de social networking cu de trei ori mai multi vizitatori unici lunar decat de cel mai apropiat competitor, Twitter, si traffic patternuri comparabile cu Google.
Facebook este pe trei din fiecare patru smartphone-uri, asadar utilizatorii au acces la site-ul business-ului tau chiar in buzunar sau in poseta .)
Micile business-uri isi pot crea un cont fara nici un cost cu scopul de  a comunica cu clientii si de a le oferi o abordare prietenenoasa pentru a-i transforma in clienti platitori. Cand unul dintre clienti da like la pagina sau la comentariul pe care tocmai l-ai postat , multi dintre prietenii sai sunt notificati prin intermediul newsfeed-lui lor, oferind o recomandare tacita pentru business-ul tau.
Puterea de a lucra cu Facebook Ads consta in simplitatea ei. Crearea unui anunt pe Facebook necesita foarte putine cunostințe despre marketing si publicitate. Facebook imparte procesul in cativa pasi, iar configurarea unei campanii  este la fel de simpla precum crearea unui post relevant cu call to action puternic. Ca dezavantaj, putem enumera faptul ca utilizatorii nu stau sa scrolleze prin news feed pentru a vedea anuntul tau, iar Facebook nu este un motor de cautare, prin urmare si CTR-ul este mai mic comparativ cu Google.  Preturile pentru ad-uri cresc in medie cu 10% de la trimestru la trimestru. Avand in vedere ca expunerea organica a scazut in popularitate, multi advertiseri sunt dispusi sa plateasca mai mult, ceea ce pentru business-urile mici este o adevarata provocare.

Adevaratul test – Ce alegem?
Ambele platforme ofera clientilor sai campanii menite sa-i transforme in consumatori. Pentru a lua o decizie cu privire la platforma de publicitate pe care sa o alegi, trebuie sa intelegi mai intai cine sunt clientii tai si daca acestia sunt on-line si daca da, cand sunt on-line. Prezinti business-ul tau noii generatii sau varstei a treia care nu este foarte familiarizata cu mediul online? Cunoasterea raspunsurilor la aceste intrebari ofera perspective asupra platformei potrivite.
Cerceteaza unde publicul tinta isi petrece timpul si asigura-te ca esti prezent in acel spatiu! In cazul in care publicul nu utilizează Facebook, atunci Facebook nu este un loc bun pentru a investi bani. Daca nu esti sigur unde clientii tai isi petrec  timpul, comanda un studiu sau un chestionar pentru a afla raspunsul la aceste intrebari. Ofera mici recompense oamenilor care participa la sondaj. Mai bine sa investesti  o suma modica de bani pentru sondaj decat sa alegi un canal de promovare nepotrivit pentru business-ul tau.
Testeaza la inceput si Facebook Ads si Google Adwords, ambele cu acelasi buget pentru a vedea care dintre ele iti aduce rezultate mai bune 🙂

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